Your Certified Sleep Consultancy

Let them sleep, for when they wake
they will move mountains.


Our Ethos


Sleep is Happiness

There is a defined link between chronic sleep deprivation and postpartum depression or “the baby blues.” Most mothers report a dramatic improvement in their moods (and their baby’s!) once the family is sleeping well.

Sleep is Health

Study after study has shown that a good night’s sleep is just as important for your baby as proper nutrition. We’d never raise our children on a diet of junk food, nor should we raise them on “junksleep.”


Sleep is Personal

Your baby has unique sleep habits and a unique personality. You have your own parenting style. The “magic” happens when we create an approach that’s right for your baby and that you can feel good about as a parent.

Wooden toys next to baby cot in neutral toned background

You don’t need to accept


deprivation, just because you’re a parent.

Dream Squad Services

  • Newborn: Prenatal - 12 Weeks

    Helping new parents establish healthy sleep habits right from day one.

  • Infant: 3 - 18 Months

    The infant sleep package is designed to help parents who are feeling drained from multiple wake up’s through the night and struggling with short naps.

  • Toddler: 18 months - 4 years

    Using our personalised one to one support we will have your toddler’s sleep struggles resolved, so they are napping during the day and sleeping through the night.

  • Additional Home Visits

    Perfect for families who want to make changes, but aren’t sure how to manage it alone and who would like that extra support.

  • Extra Support

    We offer additional discounted packages for siblings and groups

5 Steps to Getting Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night
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How we ended up here


The Journey to Dream Squad

I know firsthand how important sleep is being the mum of two beautiful sleepers. I am always shocked to see parents of newborns joke about sleep deprivation being a "rite of passage". I believe that sleep is the ultimate form of self-care and am passionate about helping babies, infants and children understand that sleep is a beautiful thing.

I am excited to bring the services of paediatric sleep consultant to my rural community because parenting can feel isolating, no matter where you live, but especially when you feel disconnected from goods and services that are available in other places.

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The Dream Journal

What people are saying about the Sleep Sense method


“Thanks so much, you have changed all of our lives.”

— Steffi, William & Jonny-Ralf


“Our journey with you has been fantastic and you have certainly made a big impact in our lives.”

— Amit, Rinku & Nelsie